Adding Your Logo & Graphics To Checks

Checkrun makes it easy to add high-quality logos and signatures to any of our checks layouts. Improve the look of your pre-printed checks with color logos using a color printer. Or if you're using blank check stock, you can create high-quality professional checks for your business that really stand out.

To add a Logo to a check: Go to the Print Settings Menu, and select Layouts.

Open an existing check layout by clicking on the wrench overlay you wish to edit or click on the + to select and add a new layout.

In the Layout Editing Screen, select the Logo Upload icon. Add the new logo by selecting the logo image from your local computer ( .png, .bmp, .jpg, .svg).

The logo should be a 100px X 100px, 50kb file. Checkrun will automatically resize images to fit file specifications.
The logo will be centered next to your business name and address on the check.

After selecting the logo, save the layout with the logo by pressing the save icon.

Updated on: 21/01/2025

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