Upgrading Your Checkrun Plan

Upgrading your current Checkrun plan is easy!

If you started with a monthly membership, you can always upgrade to a yearly membership and get a significant cost savings.

This action is available for the Super User role. If you do know know who your membership Super User is, you can go to Settings, Users then look for the user account with the Gold Star icon.

From the navigation menu on the left of the screen select Membership then settings. From the Membership page enter the Manage Billing Portal.

The billing portal will confirm that you are currently in a monthly plan and when the current billing cycle ends for the current month.
Select Update Plan

Under the plans available section you will see a yearly plan option - select Continue
You will then have the opportunity to confirm your yearly plan

After confirmation the billing system will confirm that you have successfully upgraded your plan and a new plan renewal date will be shown based on one year from the current date.

Any remaining days that are left from the previous monthly billing cycle will be prorated

You cannot downgrade your plan to a monthly plan

Updated on: 21/01/2025

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