Articles on: SYNC

What to Do if Checkrun is Not Syncing with QuickBooks Online

If Checkrun is not syncing with QuickBooks Online properly, it may mean that the connection between the two has failed. But, there's an easy fix! Just try to reconnect Checkrun to QuickBooks Online. Here's what you can do:

To disconnect from Quickbooks, please have the primary user of the membership log on and go to the green company banner in the top right-hand corner. Click the banner and select disconnect. The banner will go red on disconnect. Then click again on the now red company name and select Connect to Quickbooks. They will be redirected to an Intuit sign-on. Once they have logged into Quickbooks the banner in Checkrun should again be green. This will successfully renew the connection between Quickbooks and Checkrun.

Updated on: 11/06/2024

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